Palazzo Civita

Palazzo Civita

This residential palazzo was built between 1933 and 1936 to a design by Gigiotti Zanini, an exponent of the Milanese Novecento group.  The three marble-clad frontages that face on to the street present a simple layout, a happy blend of classical and rationalist influences. The same marble is used in the vaulted passageway that leads to the central courtyard, and for the fountain, while the floor of the atrium is decorated with fish and shell motifs.

Piazza Eleonora Duse, 2, Milano

    This point of interest is in the following itineraries

  • The historical palaces of Corso Venezia

    Urban architecture from the XVth to the XXth century






Case Museo Milano


Storie Milanesi is a website to discover Milan through the lives of 15 of its most esteemed citizens: their house museums, artists studios, architectural firms and designs. STORIEMILANESI.ORG
Segreteria Organizzativa c/o Fondazione Artistica Poldi Pezzoli “Onlus” Ente Capofila Via A. Manzoni, 12 - 20121 Milano - c.f. 80068270158 - p.iva 04265690158