‘MUBA’ stands for ‘Museo dei Bambini di Milano’ (the Milan Children’s Museum). It is located within the Rotonda della Besana, a baroque colonnade that delineates an area used as a public park, with at its centre the former church of San Michele. Within this space, the museum allows children to engage in a range of experiences, taking part in an array of different workshops, at which they can try out and interact with a large number of materials and create their own little works of art. After which, they can play in the grounds while their parents savour a coffee in the bistro.

Via Enrico Besana 12
+39 02 43980402
Tuesday-Friday 9.30am-6.30pm, Saturday-Sunday 9.45am-6.00pm


Case Museo Milano


Storie Milanesi is a website to discover Milan through the lives of 15 of its most esteemed citizens: their house museums, artists studios, architectural firms and designs. STORIEMILANESI.ORG
Segreteria Organizzativa c/o Fondazione Artistica Poldi Pezzoli “Onlus” Ente Capofila Via A. Manzoni, 12 - 20121 Milano - c.f. 80068270158 - p.iva 04265690158