Centro Artistico Alik Cavaliere

Centro Artistico Alik Cavaliere

The Atelier of Alik Cavaliere contains, on a rotating schedule, the sculptures by the artist still owned by the family, making it possible to see them inside the artist’s creative space, between the interior with its large vaults and the garden, underlining an approach that finds its fundamental reason for being in the relationship between Man and Nature, Natura naturans and Natura naturata, stories and myths.

via De Amicis 17, Milano
+39 02 8323220 - +39 335 1355983 (only in the afternoon)


Case Museo Milano


Storie Milanesi is a website to discover Milan through the lives of 15 of its most esteemed citizens: their house museums, artists studios, architectural firms and designs. STORIEMILANESI.ORG
Segreteria Organizzativa c/o Fondazione Artistica Poldi Pezzoli “Onlus” Ente Capofila Via A. Manzoni, 12 - 20121 Milano - c.f. 80068270158 - p.iva 04265690158